Network Info

Table of contents

Joining the network

Full instructions for all devices can be found here



Registration is required before your device will work properly on the wired port in your residence (if available)

When you connect you should be prompted with the registration page automatically. You can also manually visit the registration page from any device to see your current registrations and add new ones. If you experience any issues please contact the IT Service Desk


Staff devices supplied by IT typically come pre-registered for the wired network in your primary work location. By default all other devices are blocked and require registration via the IT Service Desk. N.B. if you are moving locations you will likely need to be registered for your new location

Network Speed


Please be aware that due to the huge number of factors that can affect wireless speed on devices the speeds you achieve from your devices will likely vary between buildings and even between rooms. Typically if you are achieving in excess of 70Mbps downstream and upstream on your device this would be classed as acceptable performance


Wired ports will be either 100Mbps or 1000Mbps depending on your location


To test the speed you are getting you can use this speedtest